
struct LibMK_Effect_Details

Struct describing an effect with custom settings.

Apart from the default settings that are applied when an effect is applied using libmk_set_effect, custom settings may be applied to and effect. Each effect implements these settings differently.

For example: by using a background color of red and a foreground color orange with the effect LIBMK_EFF_STAR, a star effect is applied of fading orange-lit keys. All keys that are not ‘stars’ are red in color. The amount attribute changes the amount of ‘stars’ shown and the speed attribute the speed with which they fade in and out.

Not all attributes are supported by all effects. Some will have no influence at all.

Public Members

unsigned char speed

Running speed of the effect.

unsigned char direction

Direction of the effect.

unsigned char amount

Intensity modifier of the effect. Not supported by all effects in the same way.

unsigned char foreground[3]

Foreground color of the effect.

unsigned char background[3]

Background color of the effect.